I’m sure you’ve heard stories about people getting rich off the internet. Perhaps insanely rich. Well, I’m here to tell you can can get paid, but insanely rich is another story. But, you never know. That is one of the purposes of this website… it’s to provide you with the tools for building a website for yourself and, in turn, teaching you how to make a little spare cash on the way.
So, why blog? There are many reasons why during your weight loss journey (or any type of thing you may want to document) that you may want to blog your progress. You may just want to know how much you’ve changed from one day to the next. Or you may want to compile all of your information and potentially write a book. You may also want to gain exposure about your weight loss journey in hopes of writing articles or doing interviews as an expert in weight loss. Whatever the reason, if you have ANY type of web presence, be it a facebook fan page, a twitter account, a pintrest site, or an instagram account, you can really only make good money if you have a website to promote your interest. My girlfriend has a fan page with over 200,000 followers, but she really only makes her money through her website.
The important thing to remember is not to get too ahead of yourself when it comes to making money online. And understand, you will have to spend a little money in order to make money. So, my first bit of advice is to set realistic goals. Do not think you’ll just start up a web page and money will just start flowing in. Be realistic. So, here’s how I approach monetary goals related to my site.
Goal 1. Make enough money to pay for your web expenses
If I’m paying 80/yr for web hosting, and 30-100 for a template (usually a one time fee, or maybe you got free template that works for you), and about 10/yr for a web address, you should want to be able to at least break even for your expenses in a month’s time. That’s a good goal to start with.
Goal 2. Make enough money to for a little extra cash each month
Ok, you broke even, now what? How about a little extra cash on the side? Set a goal of maybe $100-$500 month extra. You might say “what!?! woah?!? $100-$500 a month? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Actually, that’s not a lot, and it’s a attainable goal, believe it or not. You could probably make that much on advertising revenue alone. And that’s just advertising. You’ll be making money a number of different ways in order to reach this level. Advertising is just the tip of the iceberg.
Goal 3. Make enough money to quit your job
The blog’s going well, you have an awesome social media presence with thousands of followers who are into everything you say, you have a great slew of advertisers willing to pay top dollar to be a part of your site, you’re selling a number of products related to your weight loss via affiliate programs, and you’re not even working as hard as you used to. Your job has gotten easier and you start to weigh the possibility of quitting your real job because, well, you’re making just as much or more even than your current job. And you’re actually enjoying it more. So, what to do? That’s up to you, but this is a great goal to have in mind. Some people stop at this level of achievement… but wait, there’s more.
Goal 4. Your an online personal brand… move over Oprah!
The blog is blowing up!!! You’ve lost a tremendous amount of weight and you’re sharing your techniques and insight with everyone, and your website has attracted the attention of other people in other media circles… magazines, tv and radio personalities have started to notice and you’re starting to do interviews. Perhaps you’re even making television appearances. You’ve written your own e-book or two and because of all of your exposure, it sells like hotcakes! Other people are making sales of your e-book via affiliate program, so you’re making money without lifting a finger. You also have a small clothing line with inspirational messages that’s also selling well. You’ve become an inspiration to thousands, perhaps millions. You’re living a dream… and it’s possible, but you’re going to have put a good amount of work into to make it happen.
And the information you’ll find on this site can help you achieve your goals.
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